Jun 9, 2014 - Three Dead: a horse, a pony, a donkey.
Things just never get dull here. This week has been a crazy week so
much has happened. So back on Tuesday we had that city council meeting
that I told you about where I was going to say the invocation, well we
called our mission president to get permission cause we found put that
it was going to be broadcasted, and in the newspaper, he said we were
good but asked if we would take someone from the ward to come with us
just so they could get to know the members here. So needless to say we
got the bishop and went oh and ya we were tv stars, pretty cool. So I
gave the opening prayer and afterwards they gave me a certificate of
appreciation for saying to prayer and gave me a little bag with some
stuff in it. Apparently afterwards the bishop told us that they
usually have to pay a pastor to come and give the prayer, how crazy is
that, priestcraft at its finest. So they during the meeting they had
us come up and introduce ourselves and tell what we are about. When
the bishop got up there he said some things that really got them
interested, elder redd and I had just said how we are here to teach
and do serves but bishop went on to talk about the church and he said
one thing that really got them which was " our church makes bad men
good, and good men better" you could tell that once he said that
everyone on the city council stopped and pondered on that statement.
Then afterwards we were able to talk to everyone there and get to know
them. They told the bishop that they would love to have more members
of the congregation come and introduce themselves and maybe even give
the invocation. I think we left a pretty good impression on them. So
far we got one service opportunity from that, we have been asked to
help out at a gospel music festival which will be next month and one
of the city commissioners even told us to give him a visit at his
home. So that's just one crazy story that happened this week. Then the
next day we had our regular interviews with president and he was
really excited to hear what happened the night before at city meeting.
Now for the next crazy story, so this week was a hard week when it
came to teaching people, appointments fell through, people didn't was
us visiting them anymore, especially the young couple that we thought
were so solid. But we didn't let that stop us, we kept working hard
and finding things to do, at time it got frustrating cause we just had
nothing happening but we kept on keeping on. Then Saturday night came
around. When we finished dinner and headed out afterwards, all of a
sudden everything started going right, and that night was just crazy.
The first to people that we came across while biking were both
interested in what we had to say and one even invited himself to
church, then we had a powerful lesson with two of our investigators
(Tiffany, and Anisha) we read from 3 nephi 11 with them and the part
that hit them the hardest was having the authority to baptized like
what Christ gave nephi and others in that chapter. They didn't commit
to baptism but to coming to church the next day and seeing if it was
right for them. Then the night went on and our investigator clearance
and had a baptismal date on for the end of the months said that he was
coming to church as well and we found a ride for him and everything.
Then Sunday came and the member went to pick him up and no one
answered the door. When church started we had no on there and while
the sacrament was being passes we were so upset and frustrated but
once the sacrament was done and they opened he doors in walked Tiffany
and Anisha, we were so so happy to see them. It is so hard getting
people to church but once they come they keep coming, so on Wednesday
we will go see them and see how things are going.
Then after that we had gotten a call from our bishop who had asked if
we would go do some service for his brother who needed some help so we
did and man was that an interesting experience. We knew that we would
be digging but not what and when we got there around 8 at night he had
three dead horses, well one horse, one pony, and one donkey. He told
us that they all died with in the past week and a half and boy did it
stink back there. But then we found out yesterday at church the bishop
told us that the pony had been dead for three weeks and the donkey and
been dead over a week and the horse has been just a couple days. So we
got digging and digging and it was getting pretty late so we tossed
the donkey and the pony in he hole and left the horse who was way way
out in the field some where for another time probably tomorrow. Oh and
when we were pulling those animals to the hole it smelt so so bad the
pony you could see it's bones and everything, I even ended up stepping
in a pile of the skin and hair that came off it and boy did it stink,
it was a good thing that it was late at night so I couldn't see the
donkey and pony as we pulled them or else it would have been a lot
worse, the smell was bad enough. But once all was said and done, we
got a ride home and man did we stink. The smell was just stenched into
us, as we walked into the apartment I told elder redd that I was
heading to the shower and man that was the best showers ever. But I am
glade to say that I did this. Just makes an interesting story to tell.
And that about raps up our week.
P.S. My new address is 503 Union street, waycross Georgia 31501
I would love some mail!!!
Remember I love you all
much has happened. So back on Tuesday we had that city council meeting
that I told you about where I was going to say the invocation, well we
called our mission president to get permission cause we found put that
it was going to be broadcasted, and in the newspaper, he said we were
good but asked if we would take someone from the ward to come with us
just so they could get to know the members here. So needless to say we
got the bishop and went oh and ya we were tv stars, pretty cool. So I
gave the opening prayer and afterwards they gave me a certificate of
appreciation for saying to prayer and gave me a little bag with some
stuff in it. Apparently afterwards the bishop told us that they
usually have to pay a pastor to come and give the prayer, how crazy is
that, priestcraft at its finest. So they during the meeting they had
us come up and introduce ourselves and tell what we are about. When
the bishop got up there he said some things that really got them
interested, elder redd and I had just said how we are here to teach
and do serves but bishop went on to talk about the church and he said
one thing that really got them which was " our church makes bad men
good, and good men better" you could tell that once he said that
everyone on the city council stopped and pondered on that statement.
Then afterwards we were able to talk to everyone there and get to know
them. They told the bishop that they would love to have more members
of the congregation come and introduce themselves and maybe even give
the invocation. I think we left a pretty good impression on them. So
far we got one service opportunity from that, we have been asked to
help out at a gospel music festival which will be next month and one
of the city commissioners even told us to give him a visit at his
home. So that's just one crazy story that happened this week. Then the
next day we had our regular interviews with president and he was
really excited to hear what happened the night before at city meeting.
Now for the next crazy story, so this week was a hard week when it
came to teaching people, appointments fell through, people didn't was
us visiting them anymore, especially the young couple that we thought
were so solid. But we didn't let that stop us, we kept working hard
and finding things to do, at time it got frustrating cause we just had
nothing happening but we kept on keeping on. Then Saturday night came
around. When we finished dinner and headed out afterwards, all of a
sudden everything started going right, and that night was just crazy.
The first to people that we came across while biking were both
interested in what we had to say and one even invited himself to
church, then we had a powerful lesson with two of our investigators
(Tiffany, and Anisha) we read from 3 nephi 11 with them and the part
that hit them the hardest was having the authority to baptized like
what Christ gave nephi and others in that chapter. They didn't commit
to baptism but to coming to church the next day and seeing if it was
right for them. Then the night went on and our investigator clearance
and had a baptismal date on for the end of the months said that he was
coming to church as well and we found a ride for him and everything.
Then Sunday came and the member went to pick him up and no one
answered the door. When church started we had no on there and while
the sacrament was being passes we were so upset and frustrated but
once the sacrament was done and they opened he doors in walked Tiffany
and Anisha, we were so so happy to see them. It is so hard getting
people to church but once they come they keep coming, so on Wednesday
we will go see them and see how things are going.
Then after that we had gotten a call from our bishop who had asked if
we would go do some service for his brother who needed some help so we
did and man was that an interesting experience. We knew that we would
be digging but not what and when we got there around 8 at night he had
three dead horses, well one horse, one pony, and one donkey. He told
us that they all died with in the past week and a half and boy did it
stink back there. But then we found out yesterday at church the bishop
told us that the pony had been dead for three weeks and the donkey and
been dead over a week and the horse has been just a couple days. So we
got digging and digging and it was getting pretty late so we tossed
the donkey and the pony in he hole and left the horse who was way way
out in the field some where for another time probably tomorrow. Oh and
when we were pulling those animals to the hole it smelt so so bad the
pony you could see it's bones and everything, I even ended up stepping
in a pile of the skin and hair that came off it and boy did it stink,
it was a good thing that it was late at night so I couldn't see the
donkey and pony as we pulled them or else it would have been a lot
worse, the smell was bad enough. But once all was said and done, we
got a ride home and man did we stink. The smell was just stenched into
us, as we walked into the apartment I told elder redd that I was
heading to the shower and man that was the best showers ever. But I am
glade to say that I did this. Just makes an interesting story to tell.
And that about raps up our week.
P.S. My new address is 503 Union street, waycross Georgia 31501
I would love some mail!!!
Remember I love you all
June 9th, 2014 - Portion of a letter to Dad.
Alright daddy to answer the questions that you asked me last week, things are going good. As for friends I still keep in contact with there's not very many. I talk with tony and Caleb and a friend from the river but that's about it. Josh Beaushamp from the ponderosa ward( the kid that always wanted to hang out with me) sends letters from time to time and I will write him back when I get a chance. But other than that there isn't much. Typically every week I get emails from you and mom and sometime tony and Caleb. I don't really get any letters sadly.
Now as for how things are going with elder redd. They are good, we get along well now, it was a little rough at first but all good now, we wake up at 6 every morning and go for a run and then come back, he will go work out some more and I will go and sit in the showers and enjoy a nice 20 min shower. I have lost almost 10pounds since I've been here now. I'm down to 212!!! Slow progress but progress none the less. I still have my belly though.
Now as far as me personally things are getting a lot better, as you could probably tell I was struggling there for a little bit a few months ago but now I'm improving and talking with president and sister Craig in interviews this week they said that they are proud of where I'm at now and they can see the change, which is good. As for my spirituality it is growing each and every day, the spirit is one things that is my biggest gift I've been given. I feel the spirit so strong and so often I love it, this is how my whole mission has been and I love it, I I've feeling it. I've also come to have such an amazing testimony of the Book of Mormon while I've been out here as well. I had never read it from cover to cover until my first month out here when I read it in a month. Then my last time reading it I received such a great understanding history in it and where things are located. This time as I have been going through it again I am at Mosiah, I have been gaining an amazing understanding of what is being said. Just this week reading Jacob 5 I never really understood it but now it is one of my favorite chapters in the scriptures. I like what you said about saving the best for last, that is so true with me now, this next year is going to be amazing.
Alright daddy to answer the questions that you asked me last week, things are going good. As for friends I still keep in contact with there's not very many. I talk with tony and Caleb and a friend from the river but that's about it. Josh Beaushamp from the ponderosa ward( the kid that always wanted to hang out with me) sends letters from time to time and I will write him back when I get a chance. But other than that there isn't much. Typically every week I get emails from you and mom and sometime tony and Caleb. I don't really get any letters sadly.
Now as for how things are going with elder redd. They are good, we get along well now, it was a little rough at first but all good now, we wake up at 6 every morning and go for a run and then come back, he will go work out some more and I will go and sit in the showers and enjoy a nice 20 min shower. I have lost almost 10pounds since I've been here now. I'm down to 212!!! Slow progress but progress none the less. I still have my belly though.
Now as far as me personally things are getting a lot better, as you could probably tell I was struggling there for a little bit a few months ago but now I'm improving and talking with president and sister Craig in interviews this week they said that they are proud of where I'm at now and they can see the change, which is good. As for my spirituality it is growing each and every day, the spirit is one things that is my biggest gift I've been given. I feel the spirit so strong and so often I love it, this is how my whole mission has been and I love it, I I've feeling it. I've also come to have such an amazing testimony of the Book of Mormon while I've been out here as well. I had never read it from cover to cover until my first month out here when I read it in a month. Then my last time reading it I received such a great understanding history in it and where things are located. This time as I have been going through it again I am at Mosiah, I have been gaining an amazing understanding of what is being said. Just this week reading Jacob 5 I never really understood it but now it is one of my favorite chapters in the scriptures. I like what you said about saving the best for last, that is so true with me now, this next year is going to be amazing.
June 9th
Family and Friends!!! We need your help!!! We are leading a charge
against satan to take the internet back!! On June 10th we need
EVERYONE to post a picture of their eyes over the top of a open Book
of Mormon and post their testimony of it using #discoverthebook ! We
want the book to fill the world! But we can't do this alone! On
Tuesday not only 28 Facebook missions will be online to do this but
also several famous LDS members such as Mitt Romney, David Archelleto,
Alex Boye and many other! Will you help us and join in this great
cause for The Lord in hastening his work!?! We are as the army of
Helaman going to battle with the gospel via the internet! Are you in!?
Invite all you friends near and far to join us! We need them to we are
going to make history!!! So far there is over 3 thousand people
already committing to join!!! LETS MAKES THIS HAPPEN!!!
against satan to take the internet back!! On June 10th we need
EVERYONE to post a picture of their eyes over the top of a open Book
of Mormon and post their testimony of it using #discoverthebook ! We
want the book to fill the world! But we can't do this alone! On
Tuesday not only 28 Facebook missions will be online to do this but
also several famous LDS members such as Mitt Romney, David Archelleto,
Alex Boye and many other! Will you help us and join in this great
cause for The Lord in hastening his work!?! We are as the army of
Helaman going to battle with the gospel via the internet! Are you in!?
Invite all you friends near and far to join us! We need them to we are
going to make history!!! So far there is over 3 thousand people
already committing to join!!! LETS MAKES THIS HAPPEN!!!
Jun 2, 2014 - "Southerns cook such good food."
Yet another crazy week here in waycross Georgia. So many blessing just
keep coming our way and I don't know why, but I am grateful for them.
So now what has happened, back on Tuesday we had a pretty good day,
got to do some service for the Salvation Army out here and had some
good lessons as well, so saw this one family that elder redd had meet
in the past, it was a mom and her daughter brook. Brook is completely
crazy, when we got there she was excited to see her best friend elder
redd and went on to ask if he was married or had a girlfriend and then
ended it with asking him on a date, he told her that if she listened
to out message the next time we came by we would take her to lunch and
he would pay. Needless to say though when we went back they weren't
home. Then on Wednesday I went on a trade off up to Jesup Georgia, the
highest area in our mission. It's this tiny little town but we had a
blast while there, and found them some new investigators, one was even
a Jehovah witness. It's crazy this week we knocked on four different
JW's doors all on different days and they were all pretty nice to us,
usually they won't talk to us. Then on Thursday we had dinner with
this family the Stewarts that we have been doing a lot of service for
them, this night their daughter and grandson were there, the kid
really like me, just because I talked video game talk with him, even
though I don't really know anything I just went off of what I
remembered Jared telling me. Oh and then this week we went to two
wedding receptions at the church and ohh they are amazing out here,
southerns cook such good food(no wonder why I'm getting fat), and they
give us a lot of the left overs. I've decided that when I go home I'm
going to come back out here and find me a good southern girl that can
cook really good and take her back west with me, haha. Then the rest
of the week was spent finding new investigators. We have some really
promising ones that this week we are going to set baptismal dates
with. Two of them are a young couple that we found. They were going to
come to church on Sunday but called us up in the morning and said the
wouldn't be able to make it, didn't feel comfortable coming in street
clothes but next week they will come and on Thursday we are having
dinner with them at a members house. So yesterday we had planned to
have quite a few people at church but none of our investigators made
it, but we did have two less actives that made it. And then last night
we meet with a potential and had a pretty good lesson with him and set
a baptismal date for the 28 of June, his name is clearance Douglas. So
last week at zone conference president Craig told us of our mission
goal of 1000 baptisms for the year and how this is going to be an
amazing year. He has asked for us to invite the ward members out here
and families back home to pray for the missionaries in this mission to
reach this goal. Last year there was only 500 baptisms in the mission
and the plan is to double it. Well that's about it. I love you all
keep coming our way and I don't know why, but I am grateful for them.
So now what has happened, back on Tuesday we had a pretty good day,
got to do some service for the Salvation Army out here and had some
good lessons as well, so saw this one family that elder redd had meet
in the past, it was a mom and her daughter brook. Brook is completely
crazy, when we got there she was excited to see her best friend elder
redd and went on to ask if he was married or had a girlfriend and then
ended it with asking him on a date, he told her that if she listened
to out message the next time we came by we would take her to lunch and
he would pay. Needless to say though when we went back they weren't
home. Then on Wednesday I went on a trade off up to Jesup Georgia, the
highest area in our mission. It's this tiny little town but we had a
blast while there, and found them some new investigators, one was even
a Jehovah witness. It's crazy this week we knocked on four different
JW's doors all on different days and they were all pretty nice to us,
usually they won't talk to us. Then on Thursday we had dinner with
this family the Stewarts that we have been doing a lot of service for
them, this night their daughter and grandson were there, the kid
really like me, just because I talked video game talk with him, even
though I don't really know anything I just went off of what I
remembered Jared telling me. Oh and then this week we went to two
wedding receptions at the church and ohh they are amazing out here,
southerns cook such good food(no wonder why I'm getting fat), and they
give us a lot of the left overs. I've decided that when I go home I'm
going to come back out here and find me a good southern girl that can
cook really good and take her back west with me, haha. Then the rest
of the week was spent finding new investigators. We have some really
promising ones that this week we are going to set baptismal dates
with. Two of them are a young couple that we found. They were going to
come to church on Sunday but called us up in the morning and said the
wouldn't be able to make it, didn't feel comfortable coming in street
clothes but next week they will come and on Thursday we are having
dinner with them at a members house. So yesterday we had planned to
have quite a few people at church but none of our investigators made
it, but we did have two less actives that made it. And then last night
we meet with a potential and had a pretty good lesson with him and set
a baptismal date for the 28 of June, his name is clearance Douglas. So
last week at zone conference president Craig told us of our mission
goal of 1000 baptisms for the year and how this is going to be an
amazing year. He has asked for us to invite the ward members out here
and families back home to pray for the missionaries in this mission to
reach this goal. Last year there was only 500 baptisms in the mission
and the plan is to double it. Well that's about it. I love you all
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